Monday, January 11, 2016

Welcome to Price Per Pound!

I've been wanting to make this Blog for almost a year now!  I have had a lifetime of struggle with obesity, and so many factors have contributed to my weight loss and gain over the years, but the biggest impediment to me keeping off weight or losing weight has been the perception that weight loss requires not only self-will, but financial sacrifices as well.  The programs for weight loss that appeal to me have always been expensive.  I want a personal trainer!  I want to go on that new juice diet!  I want someone to mail me meal kits that I can make every day!  Instead, my reality is planning to make cheap and healthy rice and bean bowl lunches, then getting stuck eating stale popcorn at work for lunch instead.

Then again, being clinically obese for nearly three decades has had it's drawbacks as well.  I am constantly having to buy new clothes as my weight fluctuates.  I realized that my favorite jeans at Charlotte Russe are more expensive at a size 16 than they are at a size 14, which is just wrong!  My thinner friends seem to have a much easier time shopping thrift stores than I do.  Why is that?  Is it because plus sized people hold onto their clothes longer? Probably, since once something fits right, I will wear it out!  I've also had medical costs from weight related health problems, even at a young age.  That's the real kicker.  If I can't drastically change my BMI and keep it changed, what will I be paying when I'm 50 and 60 years old?

I want this blog to be a safe place for me to discuss the ins and outs of weight loss, emotionally, physically, and financially.  Some posts will have all the feels, but I also want some to be really informative and show how much I'm spending on this lifetime goal.  I want to weigh the pros and cons of different systems and address concerns I have from both sides of the scale.  I want this blog to start a conversation that will free me from the mental and societal restrictions that impede my health.  Please join me!